is seeking help, donations, and expertise in the following areas!

  1. Substitute teachers
    We had a small sub list before the pandemic, but all of them have moved on to other jobs and/or moved away! If you know anyone who is interested in subbing at Four Winds, please have them email us at to set up an interview! We pay $25/hour.
  2. Experts, or anyone else with something to share!
    We’re also looking for folks to come in on the first Friday of many biweeklies to run workshops or activities with the kids. Do you or someone you know have any activities or expertise you want to share with the kids? If so let us know and we’ll work to set something up!
  3. Picnic Tables
    We’re looking for donations for another picnic table or two! Do you or anyone you know have an old picnic table you no longer use, and want to donate to a loving school? Four Winds School is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, so any donations can be written off if you itemize your taxes.

Thank you for considering and spreading the word! Have a great summer!

Support Four Winds

Spread the word, like us on Facebook and Instagram, and click here to donate! Thank you!

Four Winds School is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible.